
Google's Project Loon has been in development for a couple of years now, and it's finally signed up its first official partner: Sri Lanka. The deal between the government of Sri Lanka and Project Loon will see the nation become the world's first to be fully covered by Loon's floating towers.

Sri Lanka's IT minister, in a statement to Lanka Business Online said: "As a result of this agreement, the entire Sri Lankan island – every village from Dondra to Point Pedro – will be covered with affordable high speed internet using Google Loon's balloon technology."

This news comes shortly after the hot-air balloon Internet tech was upgraded to act more like a mesh to provide faster, more consistent Internet coverage. They'll launch 13 balloons over the next few months, and see the network size grow over time afterwards.

It's a pretty exciting time for the small nation which typically has little rural coverage. Google's balloons represent a saving in transmission costs, and will bring LTE network coverage to those who previously had nothing.